Most Wanted: Spacecraft Scout and Panda Masks

My new obsession isn't the most technical thing ever. Essentially, it's just a beanie with a facemask. But in so many ways, it's much more than that. I mean, there are plenty of ways to keep your face warm on the mountain, but few are as awe-inspiring as this:

The Scout Mask - you sneeze in it, you bought it.
Made by art project/apparel company Spacecraft Collective, the Scout Mask ($34.95) is a beanie with an attached knit beard face warmer. My face goes numb at the drop of a hat when I'm snowboarding, so I'm all about keeping it warm. The Scout Mask just adds some style to the equation.

A lot of facemasks will keep your face warm, but few actually make me laugh out loud every time I see it. I'm sure that at some point the novelty of having a beard that would make Chuck Norris cower in shame will wear off, but it hasn't so far. If it does, I could always use the Panda Mask ($34.95) to strike fear in the hearts of Yeti everywhere.
I keep thinking about how funny it would be to vomit while wearing this.
I think my balaclava just became obsolete. 

The Scout Mask and the Panda Mask come in varying colors.Take a closer look over at

Most Wanted posts are profiles of gear that catches our eye. Since we haven't gotten our hands on most of these pieces (yet), they aren't reviews - they're just overviews on what the gear is designed to do. More often than not, we'll try to get a tester to see how well they work, but until then, we'll be content with just drooling over it. If you know of a piece of gear that deserves to be featured on Most Wanted, shoot us a note at