Because I Said I Would: Falling Asleep at the Keyboard

This afternoon, I told The GearCaster about falling asleep while I wrote and promised I'd post the result. The following is a post that I attempted to write last night following Columbia's Fall '12 preview dinner. This is a rough draft with no fact-checking or editing. Please don't unsubscribe because of this.

Today was day 2 of Columbia's Fall '12 Preview Event and man, these guys know how to throw a party. After a great ice-breaker dinner last night, about 40 other journalists and I donned some down jackets (it was like 15 degrees outside) and piled into a tour bus to check out Park City's Olympic Center. We witnessed the unveiling of a new display, heard from a few olyians, then some of us were able to go on a bobsled ride. I couldn't go because of my neck sprain, but I got to see the other folks hit 80 mph and 5 G's on their way down the track, which was almost as good as doing it myself. No it wasn't.I'm jealous.

After a quick lunch, we headed down the hill to watch the freestyle team practice and were treated to some aerial excellence from the ski team (flips and such), then we piled back into the bus for a trip to the Academy of Excellence olympic training facility, where we got to see firsthand why we have the best olympic ski team in the world. The training there is amazingly detailed, from oxygen level manipulation to maximize individual workouts to $70k zero-gravity treadmills, our olympic athletes are in great hands. I want trampolines and foam pits in my garage now.

 Next up was a bit of free time, so I came back to my rddddddddddddddddddddddddd


That last word was supposed to be "room." I woke up after a few seconds, posted this on my Facebook page,
"Trying to bang out a quick post about the Columbia Fall '12 event, but I'm falling asleep. I'll get it out tomorrow. zzzzzzz"
and went to sleep. I'll make some coffee and write a real post tonight.