Outdoor Retailer Summer Market Day 3: Recovery and Wrap-up

After being awake for 22 straight hours on Friday, I was glad that I left Saturday a little more open, schedule-wise. I had fewer appointments, but I had some interesting ones, for sure.
Prototype setup for football players.
G-Form Protective Sleeves and Pads
By far, the most impressive tech protection came from the G-Form booth. Made from a gel material that grows rigid when struck, G-Form makes a series of thin, soft, extremely protective padding for your joints and your electronic equipment. Here's a video of them dropping a bowling ball on an iPad. They had this setup at the booth as well. When I walked up, one of the reps was just about to display how effective the kneepads were. It almost made me throw up.

Easton Mountain Products Kilo 3P Tent
With its AirLock connectors, as innovative tentpole system that drastically lightens the overall package, Easton Mountain Products' Kilo tents are some of the lightest weight tents on the market, but they don't sacrifice space. Unveiled this week at OR, the Kilo 3P offers a whopping 43 square feet of floor space and 43 inches of headroom while weighing in at 3 pounds. Plenty of room for a 5'7" writer to lounge around in.

Goal Zero's Guide 10 Mobile Kit
Killing my iPhone's batteries during long days on the trail (or at the trade shows) is a common occurrence for me. Between checking emails, taking photos, and fiddling with countless GPS apps, my overworked iPhone just doesn't stand a chance.  Goal Zero's Guide 10 Adventure Kit looks like it could be the solution. It's lightweight, packs up fairly small, and is said to build up a rapid charge. I'm looking forward to checking one of these guys out firsthand.