And the Winner Is...

Last week, we kicked off Trek Tech's first Official Giveaway with The North Face Kishtwar Softshell Jacket. Entrants had four ways to throw their names in the virtual hat: "Like" Trek Tech on Facebook, follow Trek Tech on Twitter, subscribe to, and/or share the contest link on their Facebook page. Contestants had to leave a comment on the contest post letting us know which one(s) they did. We appreciate everyone who posted, but there can only be one winner. The good news is that for the next contest, all the previous entrants need to do is leave a comment saying that "I already Liked/followed/subscribed...ect." to enter the next contest. For this week's contest, it looks like strategy was the key.

One strategy in particular made the big difference: having your spouse/significant other enter also, thus doubling your chances. An effective tactic, apparently, because this week's winner (chosen by is...Adriana Niculescu! Well done, Adi. Yori's going to be stoked.

Thanks to everyone who played along this week! And keep an eye out for the next contest coming up either this Friday or next. Here's a ridiculously vague clue as to what the next prize is: it's one-size-fits-all.